Redeemer's 2018-19
Annual Report
It has been a remarkable year in Redeemer’s institutional life. There is much to look forward to — and much to be grateful for.
By integrating faith and learning, СƵcontinues to prepare students to reflect the love of Jesus Christ wherever they are called to serve and live.
In the summer of 2018, the board announced the appointment of Dr. Robert J. Graham and on March 1, СƵcelebrated Dr. Graham’s inauguration as the university’s fourth president.
Dr. Graham has an exciting vision for Christian higher education and holds a firm commitment to Redeemer’s mission.
One of the most exciting announcements this academic year has been Redeemer’s 42% tuition reduction for Canadian undergraduate students.
The new tuition and fee structure will make it possible for more students to participate in a Christ-centred university education on a spiritually vibrant campus.
СƵannounced in March 2019 that the university and five Christian high schools are together launching Act Five, an eight-month Christian gap year program.
The Christian gap year program will guide newly graduated high school students as they explore who they are, where they’re going and how their faith fits into a rapidly changing world.
СƵhas made significant progress over the five years of the 2020 Strategic Plan.
This year, СƵwelcomed 705 students back to campus and sent off 159 graduates.
This year, highlights from CityLAB, Hamilton’s innovation hub, included student Keri Williams’ semester-in-residence and senior students’ independent projects for the first run of the Core capstone course.
Keri Williams '20 discovered her passion for working on city projects to build healthier communities.
Elise Arsenault ’19 grew as a poet and a person of faith at the Glen Workshop.
Elise Arsenault ’19
СƵis extending the impact of Christian education at all levels. In the summer of 2018, СƵlaunched a one-week intensive research fellowship for high school students.
Jessica Banninga ’19 spent a semester abroad in Jordan, immersed in a different culture, language and religion.
Jessica Banninga ’19
СƵhas 6,659 alumni who are reflecting the love and hope of Jesus Christ wherever they are called.
Dr. Dan Reilly '96 is Redeemer's 2018 Distinguished Alumni Award winner. Reilly is a caring advocate for patients in rural Ontario and for the next generation of health-care leaders.
Dr. Dan Reilly's achievements were celebrated at a reception in Hamilton this past October.
Jake Bakker '18 is starting his career with a combination of business and missions in Central America.
Jake Bakker ’18
Aaron Joel Craig '10 lives out his faith by directing theatre that tells countercultural stories.
Aaron Joel Craig ’10
Dr. Rodney DeKoter ’88, a member of Redeemer's third-ever graduating class, is studying the connection between nuclear proteins and leukemia.
Dr. Rodney DeKoter ’88
16 faculty received $118,674 in research grants and funding.
Dr. Deborah Bowen’s research is connecting communities with poetry that inspires care for the environment.
СƵbusiness professors Laurie Busuttil and Susan Van Weelden are making their mark on the North American business landscape with best-selling course materials.
By putting mathematics in context, Dr. Kevin Vander Meulen writes, СƵstudents move past idolizing a powerful way of knowing.
Dr. Timothy Epp's research explores the spiritual content in mainstream music.
Historian Dr. Heath W. Carter is Redeemer’s 2018 Emerging Public Intellectual Award winner. He specializes in the church's role in addressing inequality in America.
СƵis in the final stretch of the Re Campaign! Funding has reached $18.7 million – 94% of our goal!*
* As of April 30, 2019
Donors make every year of education at СƵpossible. Donors supplemented each student’s tuition by $3,600 last year.
Donors also provided $142,186 in bursaries and scholarships.
In May, СƵalumni, donors and business partners gathered for the Re Golf Tournament, celebrating the campaign’s success and helping to finish its final year well.
Your support has helped СƵto deliver on its mission and keep running efficiently.
View our full audited financial statements.
Thanks to generous donors, Redeemer’s long-term debt is now at $17.4 million, down from over $30 million in 2010.* Reducing debt frees up capital to invest back into the university — keeping the academic program relevant and tuition affordable.
* As of April 30, 2019
Redeemer's theme for the coming year is “Come and See.” Like the curious disciples in John 1, Jesus calls us to come and see what he is already doing. In the dynamic presence of Jesus, we become disciples who join in the restoration of all creation.
Looking back on the 2018-19 year, we thank God for his work through our students, faculty and alumni and for your support.