How has Christianity's role in society developed over time?
Discover and interpret patterns of human social life, how societies work and why people act, think, and believe as they do. Understanding how behaviour and thinking are shaped by the social groups we're a part of while exploring what being a Christian means within those groups, and how your faith impacts your role within them.
Sociology is offered as a minor.
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Right from the start, Redeemer's intentional integration of faith, supported by interdisciplinary and cross-functional learning, prepares you for the pathways and career goals that are unique to each student.
The addition of a sociology minor to your degree means that the extra concentration of skills, experiences and foundational knowledge broadens the scope of what you're already learning as part of your major.
To promote different perspectives and conversations in the classroom, panel discussions and listening to a variety of experts and researchers are integral parts of the classroom experience. Courses encourage students to develop their capacity for critical Christian reflection and response to issues impacting society.
New friendships, priceless memories, spiritual growth, character formation and your future career await.
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