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*Understanding Our World through the Sciences, Social Sciences, or Arts. Choose two of three courses outside your major. These courses can be taken in year 2 or 3.
**Choose from a list of possible course options or off-campus study opportunities. These courses can be taken in year 3 or 4.
Note: Some core courses can be taken in year 2 or 3 or year 3 or 4. Students will chart their own path of study at Redeemer.
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This course is a survey of the progressive unfolding of the biblical story and the main theological tenets that emerge from that story. The students will see how the story of the Bible yields a view of the world from a Reformed Christian perspective. The course will help students to understand their place in this story and to live intentionally out of this story in their personal and public lives, their academic studies, and their engagement with and response to issues and challenges faced by the world in the early 21st century.
This course explores the foundational themes in the story of Western culture from its classical origins to the Renaissance through history, philosophy, literature and fine arts.
This course explores the meaning and application of a reformed, Christian worldview from an interdisciplinary perspective, including its posture to the major challenges of our time, such as sexuality and identity, consumerism and corporate power, populism and political power, and scientific and technological transformations.
This course traces the development of Western culture from 1500 to the present through history, philosophy, literature, science, and the fine arts.
In this course, students will explore how the Christian faith and Scripture shape academic study. Through an examination of the diverse elements that constitute the ecology of academic study, the course will focus in on the foundational role of philosophy. Students will be introduced to key elements in Christian philosophy that will enable them to pursue integrally Christian scholarship in whatever subjects they study.
This course introduces students in the Sciences and Social Sciences to the modes of inquiry in the Arts and Humanities through an exploration of aesthetic and reflective aspects of being human.
This course explores how the human activity of science and mathematics is an important and powerful way of knowing by which we gain understanding of the natural world that God created. The nature of scientific knowledge, its importance and impact on society, as well as its limitations and relationship to other ways of knowing and Christian faith will be examined. The course will explore scientific aspects of contemporary issues such as human health, agriculture, climate change, genetic cloning, and ecosystem degradation.
This course explores the ways in which social scientists understand how people function individually and collectively, and the influence of communities, institutions, and the social environment in shaping individuals.
This course requirement is designed to engage students in learning about contemporary problems. It seeks to build awareness of the relevancy and applicability of their learning for modern challenges. It will encourage greater discovery of their world and hopefully shape a sense of calling and purposefulness as they begin thinking about post-graduation life.
This course requirement gives students an understanding of non-western perspectives and cultures. It promotes an awareness of diversity and engagement with the relationships between western culture and the non-west. It seeks to foster students’ appreciation for the perspectives and experiences of others.
This course will place 4th year students in interdisciplinary teams to wrestle with current relevant issues and challenges. Students will utilize the various disciplinary tools acquired during their university education in order to carefully analyze and explore a problem or question and to present an innovative response. The course will be open to final year students and will focus on discussion, project management, teamwork, innovation, and entrepreneurial thinking.